Tsahal a publié les résultats de l’enquête sur les circonstances de la mort de trois combattants de l’unité Nahal, il y a deux jours à Rafah.
Amir Galilove, Uri Bar Or et Ido Appel, z’l, ont été tués par une charge explosive qui se trouvait dans un dispensaire médical civil. L’opération qu’ils menaient avait été lancée après que des tirs en provenance d’une école de l’UNRWA avait été effectués sur les forces israéliennes.
Dans le complexe de l’école, se trouvait également un dispensaire et une mosquée. La bombe était disposée à l’entrée d’un tunnel dans l’établissement médical qui avait été piégé par les terroristes du Hamas.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les petits robots type démineur, sur chenille, que tout le monde a déjà vu, et qui filme ce qu’ils voient, n’ont pas été envoyés en éclaireur ? On sait que c’est une guerre en milieu urbain, piégée de toute part ! Mieux vaut que ce type de « jouet » explose, plutôt que nos braves soient tués !
Il faut se méfier du.moindre recoin avec cette vermine qui tend des pieges . Y q les chiens aussi qui peuvent détecter les pièges.
Les nations vont encore nous accuser mais le hamas et l’ unrwa eux ont tous les droits et ne sont gue de pôvres victimes d’ un état très méchant et sanguinaire, il y a les robots certes mais il y a aussi les lance flammes et les bombes au napalm pour ces salauds qui aiment tant les incendies, avec le feu tous leurs pièges et stocks d’armes, munitions et roquettes voleraient en éclats, de toutes façons quoique l’ on fasse nous aurons toujours tort!!
Euh… On sait tout ça. Est-ce une raison pour pratiquer l’imprudence ? Aujourd’hui, on a des petits drones, type à hélices comme des jouets, muni de caméras et micros qui se baladent sans bruits et assez sensibles pour repérer la respiration d’un individu, voire sa signature thermique ! On est leader dans ces produits ! Pourquoi perdre nos braves !
Consternant, alors qu’on sait que tout est piégé !
Entièrement d’accord avec vous Elie de Paris.
Je n’avais pas vos connaissances technologiques mais je trouvais bizarre que tant de soldats perdent dramatiquement leur existence dans ce monde dans des circonstances quasi préhistoriques alors que la technologie guerrière est hypersophistiquée et que Gallant avait annoncé comme un gorille qui se frappe le torse : « »nous allons utiliser des technologies inédites pour cette guerre… » »
On a constaté Monsieur Gallant…
Nos soldats qui se tirent dessus entre eux par défaut d’information et coordination.
Nos soldats qui se regroupent dans une salle des fêtes arabe à la frontière du liban et reçoivent pile un missile sur le bâtiment où ils sont…
Même un général de Néanderthal ne ferait pas pire.
Voici les propos très justes et précis d’Eylon Levy sur la chaîne YouTube de Dajobnik, dans une vidéo intitulée « Eylon Levy’s Urgent Update: Iranian Proxies Attack Israel with Missiles! – YouTube »
Merci d’utiliser vos traducteurs automatiques
« Hello everyone I’m Eylon Levy and welcome to the live Daily Briefing of the Israeli citizen spokesperson’s office
It is Thursday May 30th, day 237 of the October 7 War
Send us your questions please whatever platform you’re watching from and we’ll have a live Q&A at the end anything you want to know
A short while ago siren sounded in Northern Israel
The reason ? A long range cruise missile was fired at Israel apparently from Iraq
The government of Iraq is not firing missile at Israel
It is Iranian proxies in Iraq, it is Iran in Iraq that has been firing missiles and UAVs at Israel, joining the war that ‘hamas started on 10/7
The IDF intercepted the missile and thankfully this time no injuries or damage were reported
Israel is fighting for its survival against a coalition of Iranian proxy armies on seven fronts : Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran itself
This is not a local conflict between Israel and a Palestinian terrorist group in Gaza, it is a regional conflict in which Israel is under attack from every direction by terrorist forces loyal to the Islamic Republic
The conflict in Gaza is only one part of a much bigger war that ‘hamas started on 10/7, ‘hezbollah joined that war from Lebanon on October 8th and has been firing rockets at Israel every single day including today with non-stop sirens in Northern Israel
I could say that Israel is fighting Iranian Terrorist proxies on 8 fronts if I include American campuses
I wish I were joking but I’m not : The supreme leader of Iran, ayatollah Ali Khamenei just published a letter expressing solidarity with the students who are intimidating and assaulting Jewish students on college campuses
He called the students in the colleged intifada « a branch of the resistance front », that means that Iran considers them the same as ‘hamas, ‘hezbollah and the houthis
He praised them for their honorable struggle against « the brutal Zionist regime » because when Iran hears students on campuses calling to globalize the intifada, it knows they mean globalizing violence against Jews and Israelis and Terror attacks in the west,
when Iran hears them chanting « From The River To The Sea », it knows they want the violent destruction of Israel and not some peaceful secular democracy for everyone
The whole world needs to put pressure on the islamic regime in Iran to stop its seven front war against Israel and choose peace instead
In Gaza IDF operations continue the IDF now has control over the Border area between Gaza and Egypt
This strip of land is known as the Philadelphia Corridor
Israeli control of this area is critical to stop Hamas rearming the corridor was hamas’s Lifeline : It is full of tunnels that go underground from Gaza into Egypt so far the IDF has located around 20 tunnels just in the narrow strip of land along the Gaza Egypt border
‘hamas used these tunnels to smuggle the weapons, it used against Israelis on October 7th and in decades of Rocket fire on Israeli communities before the massacre
The IDF is now systematic dismantling hamas’s underground highway network along the Egyptian border and also under the city of Rafa’h
In eastern Rafa’h, the IDF found an underground tunnel that was 1 and a half kilometers long !
It found an entrance just 100 m from the Rafa border crossing now that tunnel entrance branched out into many different tunnel routes
The IDF went into these tunnels and found several blast doors hiding spaces and toilets, it found a huge supply of weapons in the tunnel network, anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, grenades and other explosives
Israel is going into Rafa’h to destroy the last four ‘hamas battalions because you don’t put out three quarters of a fire !
The ‘hamas battalions that remain in Rafa’h will now have a much harder time hiding from the IDF and launching attacks from within and under civilian areas
And it’s not just tunnels that the IDF is finding… Just just a few steps away from the Egyptian border the IDF found dozens of rocket launchers loaded and ready to fire !
In recent weeks, ‘hamas has fired about 70 rockets and mortars from the Rafa’h area, including out the Kerem Shalom Crossing, disrupting humanitarian aid deliveries into Gaza !
‘Hamas put the launchers right on the border with Egypt because it knows that Israel does not want to strike an area so close to the Rafa’h border crossing through which humanitarian Aid was entering Gaza until Egypt closed that border, that is…
‘Hamas’s strategy is to attack and draw fire to humanitarian Aid Crossings
Why ? because that will force Israel to close the crossings
‘Hamas wants to engineer a humanitarian crisis in Gaza because it knows that the images of suffering on TV screens are good for its war against Israel and it wants the world to play alone
Hey, hamas’s strategy seems to be working : there is an enormous gap between the facts on the ground about what is going on in Gaza and the totally insane things that politicians around the world are saying about what is happening in Gaza !
Yesterday I saw a tweet from Senator Bernie Sanders…
It said « Israel’s military offensive in Rafa’h has crippled the delivery of humanitarian aid : children are starving, no food, no water, no medicine, no fuel is getting to people in desperate need »
Senator Sanders is making things up : he is either lying or he has no idea what he is talking about !
Those are the only two options !
Here are the facts : 335 humanitarian aid trucks went into Gaza yesterday, far more than at any point before the war !
Five tankers with 267,000 L of fuel went into Gaza yesterday, as Bernie Sanders was saying « nothing went in » !
And this fuel will be used to operate essential infrastructure in Gaza such as Hospital facilities, the same hospitals by the way from which ‘hamas launches attacks on Israel !
The day before yesterday, a record 465 humanitarian aid trucks were transferred into Gaza !
Definitely not a trickle ! Definitely not nothing !
Record numbers and all of this information is publicly available ! It’s available from Kogat (the Israeli army unit that operates the border crossings and I served in this unit just after the last Gaza war in 2014)
It’s disgraceful that politicians are making things up or lying about Israel and advancing hamas’s propaganda war against Israel
Someone should also send a memo to Samantha power, the administrator of USAID…
She tweeted « Our humanitarian partners working in Gaza tell us that conditions now are worse than ever before !
Israeli military operations and closed Crossings are making it extremely difficult to distribute aid »
As Samantha Power doesn’t say who closed the crossings ! Did you notice that ? It’s as if they closed themselves
Egypt closed the Rafa’h Crossing, one of the major Crossings through which aid was entering Gaza ! Egypt stopped Aid going from the Elish Port into Kerem Shalom, and it only backed down under American pressure but it receives NOT A WORD of public criticism for blocking aid into Gaza
It’s time that world leaders start telling the truth and exercising responsibility instead of amplifying the lies of the terror organization that perpetrated October 7th and is threatening to do it again
Finally an update on the tragic fire in Rafa’h :
Ed O’Keefe is the White House correspondent for CBS… During a press conference on Tuesday, he asked John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman « How many more charred corpses does the president need to see before he considers a change of policy ? »
Now that exchange with Kirby went viral
O’Keefe was reacting to an incident that the IDF is investigating
Here’s what we know so far : The IDF used small munitions to carry out a precision strike against two ‘hamas arch terrorists
It didn’t drop 2,000 pound bombs, it used the same types of munitions that the Biden Administration has been urging Israel to use in Rafa’h, because as the White House says the enduring defeat of ‘hamas is a shared goal, and something, perhaps ‘hamas munition stored nearby near civilians, sparked a fire 600 feet away and that fire spread into a civilian encampment
The images were terrible but O’keef is asking the wrong question : he’s asking « how many more uninvolved Palestinian civilians in Gaza need to die… Not « before ‘hamas surrenders and releases the hostages from its Terror dungeons » but « before President Biden demands that Israel abandons its citizens in the ‘hamas Terror Dungeons and leaves the ‘hamas rapist regime in power able to plan more October 7th massacres !
That cannot and will not happen ! Not only for Israel but also for the fate of the West and the whole free world fighting radical Terror !
The real question is this « How much more must the people of Gaza suffer before the government of Gaza Hamas decides it’s too much ? »
Is there a number ?
Because this war can end immediately if ‘hamas surrenders : if it lays down its arms and gives us back all the hostages 125 are still stuck in Gaza
‘Hamas can end the war it started and world leaders have said repeatedly « it is impossible to have a sustainable ceasefire while ‘hamas is still in power in Gaza because ‘hamas exists for the sake of war
For the sake of Peace, ‘hamas must go !
Israel isn’t going into Rafa for fun
Israel is paying a heavy price for this war that ‘hamas started
Our soldiers are dying ! But the bottom line is clear : this war cannot end with ‘hamas continuing to shoot rockets at Israelis
That’s why it’s so important that Israel secure the border between Gaza and Egypt so ‘hamas cannot smuggle the rockets that it has used for over 20 years to reil rockets on Israeli communities !
Israel will continue to target members of the ‘hamas rapist regime until that regime is no more and every single Israeli hostage is freed from the ‘hamas terror dungeons
Because the alternative to fighting this barbaric enemy in a war we didn’t want, a war we didn’t start, a war we didn’t even expect, is to abandon our hostages in the hands of ‘hamas and no body can allow that to happen !
That’s the end of today’s briefing »
Merci Liliana, on partage !
Je t’en prie, Abbou Esther Et merci à toi de partager
Merci à toute personne qui lit de partager le communiqué et/ou la vidéo !
À partager aussi largement que possible, et pas seulement avec des Juives/ifs.. Il est justement FONDAMENTAL que des non-Juives/ifs voient cette vidéo ou entendent ce que dit ce communiqué, et dites-leur, à leur tour, de partager !
Il serait surtout fondamental que notre gouvernement et les etats unis réagissent et que Oslo et Camp David soient annulés parce que rompus unilatéralement par Gaza et l’Egypte….
Israël n’est plus tenu par les accords d’Oslo, Hanah, depuis que l’autorité palestinienne les a rompu… Le problème n’est donc pas ces accord qui n’existent plus depuis des années et qui, selon moi, étaient… caducs, comme dirait l’autre, dès que cet autre les a signés avec Rabin
Arafat n’a JAMAIS retiré de la charte de l’olp la clause appelant à la destruction d’Israël
Ensuite Abbas a proposé à sa population, comme job avec rémunération à vie, le meurtre de Juives/ifs, enfin il a fait des démarches unilatérales contre Israël et pour la création d’un État palestinien, auprès des instances internationales, ce qui fait 3 violations des accords d’Oslo, car ces trois points étaient interdits selon eux
Et là, je suis désolée de le dire, mais Israël aurait dû depuis longtemps considérer ces accords comme invalides, il a malheureusement choisi d’y croire aveuglément et de s’y soumettre… Là, c’est vrai, c’est entièrement de la faute d’Israël car ces accords ayant été violés ne le tenaient plus à la moindre obligation… Mais Israël (gauche droite confondues) voulaient continuer de croire en ces accords et de s’y soumettre…
Donc la situation en Israël, le désengagement de la bande de Gaza, et donc l’arrivée du ‘hamas au pouvoir ce qui a donné les tirs de roquettes quotidiens sur Israël, l’enlèvement de Gil’ad Shalit, l’enlèvement d’autres soldat(e)s et le 7 octobre, c’est à cause du fait qu’Israël a maintenu les accords d’Oslo alors que rien ne l’y obligeait puisqu’ils avaient été rompus depuis le début par l’olp et par l’autorité palestinienne (et cette dernière les a transgressé plusieurs fois
Tous nos problèmes que nous rencontrons aujourd’hui viennent de là